Ich war gerade mal wieder bei Flickr, und wunderte mich schon, dass eines meiner Stock-Bilder so viele Favoriten bekommen hat, bis ich las, dass die Gruppe "Make it Interesting" einen Wettbewerb veranstaltet hatte, bei dem mein Bild "Circus Wagon Thingie" das Ausgangsbild war:
Es sind wunderschöne Kunstwerke dabei heraus gekommen! Alle Bilder sind hier zu finden.
I was just browsing Flickr when I noticed that one of my stock images received quite a few favorites. It turned out that the group "Make it Interesting" made a contest where one of my images, the "Circus wagon thingie", was the starting image.
Really beautiful artworks were created from it! You can see all images here.
I was just browsing Flickr when I noticed that one of my stock images received quite a few favorites. It turned out that the group "Make it Interesting" made a contest where one of my images, the "Circus wagon thingie", was the starting image.
Really beautiful artworks were created from it! You can see all images here.